Features of ChromeGPT Extension

With ChromeGPT, we've seamlessly integrated the power of ChatGPT into Google Chrome. These features are designed to supercharge your online browsing and research experience

Get Instant Access To ChatGPT

Quickly Dive into Conversations

Just click our extension icon on any webpage to instantly access the ChatGPT popup. Engage in meaningful dialogues without losing momentum — ChromeGPT remembers your last chat, ensuring you can pick up right where you left off. Seamless continuity boosts your productivity, making sure no thought or inquiry gets left behind.

Smart Highlights with ChatGPT Assistance

Make Web Texts More Understandable

Highlight any portion of web text and activate ChatGPT with your pre-saved "Smart Highlight" prompts. Whether it's getting a concise summary, diving deeper into a highlighted name's background, or unraveling a perplexing paragraph, ChatGPT is on standby. Turn vague or intricate web texts into comprehensible insights, enhancing your understanding and reducing reading fatigue.

ChatGPT OmniBox: On-the-Go Queries

Transform Your Address Bar into a Chat Assistant

Initiate a ChatGPT session directly from your browser's address bar. By simply typing "gpt:" followed by your custom prompt and hitting enter, ChatGPT provides precise answers to spur-of-the-moment queries. Instantly leverage the full power of ChatGPT without needing to switch tabs or apps, making multitasking effortless and efficient.

Unlock the Full Potential of "Smart Highlights"

When one prompt isn't enough, upgrade to ChromeGPT Premium and harness the power of multiple "Smart Highlight" prompts. Tailor each highlight to your specific needs, whether you're diving deeper into a topic, summarizing lengthy articles, or seeking varied interpretations. By upgrading, you ensure that your web browsing experience is not only efficient but also immensely flexible. Don't limit your curiosity — upgrade today and redefine the way you interact with the web!
